Experts in Evaluation, Organizational Change, Professional Development, Research Methods &
Statistical Analysis...
Passionate Professors, Psychologists, & Professionals Seeking
to Make a Measurable Difference in K12 & the Public Sector.

Track Record of Success
Since 2008, Multi-Dimensional Education Inc (MDed) has Worked with More Than 155 State and Local Agencies as well as National Organizations Across 28 States… Our Efforts have Included:
Managing more than $19.5 Million in K12 and at-risk youth focused grants funded by National Science Foundation, U.S Department of Education, & Department of Justice,
Assessing approximately 2 million youth, caregivers, and staff; utilizing our proven multi-dimensional research methods, proprietary assessment tools, and analytic decision frameworks,
Training more than 30k state and federal employees in advanced analytics, continuous improvement, evaluation, evidence-driven decision making, organizational change, and many other focuses such as trauma informed care,
Developing the ServiceNow powered VitalChild-VitalClient case management app; an outcomes-driven trauma-informed solution to empower workforces across Child Welfare and Health & Human Services.


A Corwin Publication
by MDed’s Founding

A Rowman
& Littlefield Publication
by MDed’s Founding Partners

K12 Solutions
Discover Your School’s DNA with the
Multi-Dimensional Needs Assessment
(MDNA) & Evaluation
We Deliver a Holistic View
As the process model to follow illustrates, the Multi-Dimensional Education approach to K12 provides you with a more comprehensive understanding of the systemic efforts of your school. The best approaches to education, we have been a part of, researched, or observed, approach success via a more holistic system that has many parts. The many parts or multiple dimensions are what we feel represents your schools’ DNA, and our MDNA provides a systemic evaluation of what is working, not working, and why.
Empowering You with a Continuous Improvement Process
It is the sum of these parts that create the synergy needed to help students and teachers succeed. A few of these parts you have more control over than others. While other parts (e.g., finance) you might have little control over. But the sum of the parts creates the synergy needed to generate the energy to improve. And by more accurately monitoring the functionality of the more meaningful dimensions predictive of your outcomes, and more closely assessing the positive or negative impact they are having, the better chance you have of offsetting the possible negative impact and increasing your chances for success.
Reframing & Refining Your Focus
Our MDNA and other assessment tools have been used in more than 25 states and 100 districts. We have worked with many school level and district educators. Our Multi-Dimensional Needs Assessment can provide you with the assessment, support, and training needed to not only identify your strengths and challenges, but also provide insights as to which facets within your schools are contributing to or detracting from academic achievement and social wellbeing. By helping you connect the gears which are the force behind improving climate, instruction and mindsets, this is how we help schools make a measurable difference in the lives of their kids, families, and educators.

As our Multi-Dimensional Education book with Corwin documents, and our process model to follow highlights, our continuous improvement process focuses on eight dimensions of education that have been linked to highly effective schools through more than 50 years of research.

Public Sector Solutions

Powered by ServiceNow, VitalChild-VitalClient's Intellectual Property Delivers…
To assist our colleagues and the admirable individuals working in public sectors agencies such as child welfare or health & human services, and even ACF and ORR, MDed developed the the trauma-informed outcomes-driven VitalChild-VitalClient solution to modernize the support and care provided to clients and staff.
Providing much more than an electronic version of what is used today for case management, VitalChild-VitalClient delivers advanced methods and assessment tools to empower evidence-driven decision making via predictive analytics.
A Comprehensive Modern Cloud-Based
Case Management Solution
A Shorter Strategic Timeline to Implementation
Client-Centered Case Management Technology
Outcomes-Driven & Trauma-Informed Solutions
Advanced Analytics Guided by Predictive Modeling
Evidence-Driven Decision-Making Methodologies
Increased Efficiency, Effectiveness & Safety
For More Info, Please Visit www.VitalChildVitalClient.com.
Meet The Professors Behind

The team at MDed consists of great number of our most talented colleagues, an assortment of talented experts with experience across numerous sectors and clients. MDed was started, however, by a team of productive entrepreneurial professors who wanted to make a measurable difference in the world outside of academia.
If you have any questions or requests, please email one of the partners directly, or complete this form. Thank you!
MDed has offices in...
Columbus, Ohio (Headquarters)
Chicago, Illinois
Newport Beach, California
© 2023 All Rights Reserved
by Multi-Dimensional Education Inc.